Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bowl for Kids Sake!

Hello Bloggies!

Guess what!  I'm participating in this year's Big Brothers Big Sister's Bowl for Kids Sake event!  This is the third year that I've been involved in this fundraiser with my work place.  This year's event them is "Round 'em up!  (A western theme).  Going along with this theme, my team name is the Ruder Rattlers (like rattle snakes, get it?)  We even have stuffed snakes with tail rattles to hang from our belt loops.  I know, we are so COOL!

Yeah, it's a "Baby's First Toy" - haha!

Ultra-cool rattler...

I LOVE this event.  It is so fun.  I have a great time, and I don't even know how to bowl.  Our team is bowling on Thursday, May 6, 5:30PM @ Wagner Lanes here in Eau Claire.  In the meantime, I'm collecting pledges for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  My goal is to raise $250.00

Here's a breakdown of where my pledges will go if I reach my goal:
~ $190 = Programming
~ $40 = Bowl for Kids Sake expenses (bowling is not free)
~ $20 = Administrative expenses

Not bad!!!  This event is pretty important to our local BBBS organization.  It's their main fundraiser for the entire year.  24% of their budget comes from BFKS.  And, 76% of the money they raise from this event goes to programming. 

Here are some more stats:

~ In Eau Claire County 281 kids were served in 2009 through BBBS.

~ Last year the BFKS event raised $143,000!!!

~ This year the BKKS goal is $165,000 - that means that each bowler currently signed up needs to raise at least $176.95 to reach the overall goal.

Today, I worked on setting up my online fundraising website for the BFKS event.  It's pretty neat!  Each bowler has access to set up their own fundraising page to give their personal message and collect pledges online from their friends and family.  (There is even a blog on my page!!!)

Check out my page sometime!

I'll be sure to post updates on how I'm doing in reaching my $250 goal!

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