Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day everyone!  This week is going by pretty quickly.  I'm not complaining.  Though the weekend is probably going to be fairly busy, I'm still looking forward to some home time.

WOW!  I was really, really tired when I got up this morning.  I have a feeling that all of this running is going to take it's toll on me.  I need to buck up!  I also may need to increase my carbs over the month to keep me going strong.  I did go ahead and get up at 4:45AM to walk Vlad (BLAH).  We walked for 30 minutes - no ipod.  I tried trance walking to get a little more shut eye.  Didn't exactly work, but I did shut off my mind for some peace. :)


I had my usual breakfast this morning - though I am considering another try on oatmeal or oat bran.  I have them on the grocery list for this week to see what I think.  I'm going to do some research on some tasty oatmeal recipes.  Not that I'm tired of this wonderful breakfast!  It's just good to change up every now and then, I'm sure.

I had a TO DO list a mile long when I got to work this morning.  Good thing is that I now (at 3PM) have everything crossed off of that list!  YAY!


I snacked on a Fiber One vanilla yogurt and a cup of grapes this morning around 10AM.  Hit the spot.


I wanted to walk outside during lunch today - it's a beautiful, warm day out there!  But, I had a couple of errands that needed to be run:  car wash, bank, and gas.  Bummer.  Maybe I can walk tomorrow.  Before heading out on errands I had a tasty, different lunch.

Toasted, Arnold Sandwich Thin with peanutbutter and bananas + carrots.  This was a very tasty lunch!  I loved it! :-D

No, I did NOT stop at Starbucks today for a coffee or tea after running errands.  I really wanted to, but I controled myself for once.  :)


Honeycrisp apple, Quaker Chocolate Chunk granola bar, and some YOGI green tea - GOJI Berry flavor.

Tonight I have a 5 mile run!  OMG - I am so tired right now, running seems undoable.  I must get energy.  At least tomorrow is a REST day.  I can't wait.


Libby said...

I learned to love oatmeal when I stopped eating that awful instant stuff and listened to my sister. She makes up big batches and puts them in small containers to take to work.

I usually just make a serving at a time because I have more time in the morning. So here is what I do...Bring one cup of water to a boil, add 1/2 cup of whole oats (I get them in the bulk aisle at Festival). Towards the end of the cooking time I will add some fruity goodness. I dice up a banana (my favorite) or an apple or pear. You can peel the apple or pear, but I don't. I will usually zap the apple or pear in the microwave for a minute before adding, but you don't need to. This fall and winter I was also using a 1/4 cup of canned pumpkin with some cinnamon which was super yummy.

I like to keep it simple, because the real oats are so hearty and filling.

Libby said...

Oh...I see I forgot to say that it all takes about 10 minutes to cook, lower the heat to medium when you add the oats.

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