Monday, March 29, 2010

Eau Claire Half Marathon

I'm going to do it.  I've been going back and forth with myself for a couple of days now on whether or not to attempt the Eau Claire Half Marathon.  Last night, I just decided that I'm going to do it, and that's that.  The issue that was keeping me from moving forward was that this race is in 5 weeks!  That's not a lot of training time for someone who has never run over 6 miles at one time before in her life!  For some reason, I thought this race was later in the summer.  Well, I was wrong, wrong, wrong! 

I've run a few 10K's in the last couple of years, so I'm not new to the whole training and race scene, but I've never attempted a 13.1 mile race.  Okay, take that back.  About 3 or 4 years ago I did sign up for this Half Marathon, and I completely chickened out a couple of days before the race.  Didn't do it.  Never signed up again.  Granted, the last couple of years have found me out of shape, and in no way trainable around the time of the half marathon.  This year is different though.  I've been running regularly about 15 miles per week for a little over a year now.  I think I've got it in me to kick it up a notch, and not die trying.  :)

So, I have made the decision to give the Eau Claire half marathon a go.  I figure that I might as well see what I'm made of, and train with what little time I have left.  I spent some today doing some research on Half Marathon training schedules, and crafted a special schedule for me based on the 5 weeks I have before the race.  See Angie's Half Marathon Training Schedule here.

I'll be posting updates on my progress on the blog.  We'll see how I fair with this schedule!
If anyone out there has any word of advice or wisdom in regards to marathons and marathon training, please be sure to leave a comment.  I can use all the help I can get!

Click here to see the Half Marathon Route

On schedule for today's training:  4 miles

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